Frequency: Roughly twice per month during the period of January–June 2018.

Day: Wednesday

Time: 16:15–17:30 CET/CEST

Tool: Adobe Connect – Test your access here at your earliest convenience and well in advance.

Registration: On a first-come, first-served basis. Required for each webinar separately. No fee.

Legal notice: Webinars will be recorded and transmitted to the Web. The organiser reserves the right to understand the participation and engagement of individual participants in the webinar as an active declaration of will, that the participants agree to be recorded in the webinar and that the organiser can use obtained videos, image and audio records.

#DateTitle  Presenter(s) 
110 JanuaryOpening of the 2018 series of EMOS webinars
Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat
The European Statistical System (ESS) More >>>
Åsa Jacob, Aaron Cachia & Dietmar Maass, Eurostat
More (info, files, links)
231 JanuaryEuropean System of Central Banks (ESCB) statistics More >>>
Aurel Schubert, ECB
More (info, files, links)
37 FebruaryWeb surveys More >>> 
Vasja Vehovar & Nejc Berzelak, University of Ljubljana
More (info, files, links)
421 FebruaryInnovations in business statistics data collection More >>> 
Ger Snijkers, Statistics Netherlands
More (info, files, links)
528 FebruaryStatistical monitoring of sustainable development at global, EU and national level (with a case study of Poland) More >>> 
Nicola Massarelli, Eurostat, & Monika Gorzelak, Statistics Poland
More (info, files, links)
621 MarchBig data methods and techniques More >>> 
Piet Daas & Marco Puts, Statistics Netherlands
More (info, files, links)
74 AprilHow to integrate information from different data files? An introduction to statistical matching More >>>
Eva Endres & Thomas Augustin, University of Munich
More (info, files, links)
811 AprilIntroduction to statistical data editing More >>>
Rudi Seljak, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
More (info, files, links)
918 AprilFrom books to social media, from general public to specific user groups More >>>
Maja Pekeč, Croatian Bureau of Statistics, & Ewelina Konarska – Michalczyk, Statistics Poland
More (info, files, links)
1016 MayExperimental statistics: new methods for new data More >>>
Martin Karlberg, Eurostat, & Pierre Lamarche, INSEE
More (info, files, links)
1123 MayStatistical analysis of incomplete data More >>>
Florian Meinfelder, University of Bamberg
More (info, files, links)
126 JuneReflections about the role of official statistics More >>>
Walter J. Radermacher, University La Sapienza, Rome
More (info, files, links)

Click here for 2018 EMOS webinar programme with descriptions in a single PDF file.